Museums and Covid-19 Project


This project is an effort to measure the impact of the new corona virus on museums, to keep record of publications and actions resulting from Covid-19, as well as to present useful resources to institutions as they face this pandemic.

Internet Archive

With the Internet Archive, we structured the Museums and Covid-19, where we intend to keep record of documents, corporate and/or government press releases, newspaper or web articles, among other digital objects related to museums and to the new corona virus.

A backup of the collection, for the extraction of data in future searches, will be stored in a local database.

The content will be added to the Internet Archive in blocks, including publications from the source quoted since it was last accessed, retroactively.

Museums and Covid-19 Collections (PDF Uploads) (Web Archive)

Do you check the content of what is stored on the Internet Archive? Do you make any judgments?

At this point of the research work, no. The only verification made is that no articles containing fake news or from a questionable source are stored.

Therefore, in terms of content, no judgment is made: the content is stored whether we agree with the article/publication or not.

How will that material be worked upon in the future?

We are interested, especially, in articles reporting the situation or analyzing the impacts of the pandemic upon museums and culture.

So, in the future, we intend to perform a meta-analysis, studying how the situation of museums affected by the pandemic was analyzed, what actually happened (after the pandemic) and what changes can be proposed and lessons can be learned from such a huge challenge.

Since we collected a huge amount of material, it will be analyzed with the help of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

Guides and Resources about Covid-19 and Museums

English: Under construction

AAM – Considerations for Museum Reopenings
AAM – COVID-19 Resources & Information for the Museum Field
AAM – Museum Distance Learning
AICCM – Closed by Covid? Guide
Archive-It Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19)
Collections Trust – Collections in Lockdown
Creatives Unite
Cultural Digital: Streams
ICCROM – Heritage in Times of COVID
ICOM – Covid-19
ICOM CIDOC – Covid-19 Information
Museum Association of New York – Links and Resources
Museum Expert
MuseumNext – Donations Website Plugins
NEMO – Network of European Museum Organisations Covid-19 Survey
NEMO – Museums in Europe Map
Open Museum – IDB
REALM Project – OCLC
Smithsonian Cultural Rescue Initiative (pdf)
Smithsonian Cultural Rescue Initiative – Covid-19 Resource Hub
UNESCO – Monitoring world heritage site closures

Covid-19 Plug-ins

Curatorship of WordPress plug-ins that are useful during these pandemic days: Schema Covid-19, corona virus statistics, banners with WHO recommendations, project management for remote work projects, online collections etc. First results below.

English: Under construction

Cookie Notice (Covid-19 WHO banner and live data)
Coronavirus COVID-19 Watch (Covid-19 banner, live data and map)

Privacy and Tools for Working and Studying from Home

In addition to a reflection about the dangers of loss of online privacy during this pandemic, we presented recommendations for universities, cultural institutions and Internet users (all of us).

We made also available a list of suggestions including open-source tools for remote learning, communication, production of media, online meetings, videoconference and live transmissions.

English: Under construction

Moodle (Learning management system)
WordPress (Content management system)
LearnPress (WordPress LMS Plugin)
Tainacan (Repository platform for WordPress)
WooCommerce (E-commerce platform for WordPress)
BuddyPress (WordPress platform for online communities, teams and groups)
bbPress (Discussion forums for WordPress)
Panorama (WordPress Project Management Plugin)
OBS Studio (Free software for video recording and live streaming)
Jitsi (Free video conferencing)
Blender (3D creation suite and video editing)
Vimeo (Better alternative than YouTube)
Brave (Internet browser)
FireFox (Internet browser)
Safari (Internet browser)
Tor (Internet browser)
DuckDuckGo (Internet search engine)
Ghostery (Control trackers)
Signal (Messaging app)
LastPass (Password manager)

Web Resources for GLAM

The resources of this project may help museums to widen their scientific divulgation and web presence.

Full website soon available in English.

Project Website:
Cybersecurity resources:
Covid-19 Resources:


Ana Cecília Rocha Veiga – Full-time professor at School of Information Science, Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG, Brazil)

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