Interactive Interface Accessible Circuit


The Interactive Interface Accessible Circuit consists of an exhibit at the Mines and Metal Museum – MM Gerdau, within the principles of Universal Design (total accessibility), aimed at the physically impaired public.

Fachada principal do Museu das Minas e do Metal, com duas grandes colunas, várias janelas, três andares e um brasão no alto onde se lê: "Secretaria da Educação".
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Vista de cima da maquete sensorial da Praça da Liberdade, mostrando a legenda em Braille.
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Vista debaixo da roda imersiva, que consiste em um círculo com uma sequência de televisores e equipamentos de áudio, que mostram imagens e locuções sobre o Alumínio.
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Galeria do Inventário Mineral, com bancos para os visitantes se sentarem e sequência de janelas com minerais, gemas e meteoritos em exposição.
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Escultura Língua Afiada, que consiste numa enorme escultura metálica curva, que ocupa quase que um corredor inteiro do museu.
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Interface interativa com três amostras de minerais e tela, onde se lê: "Circuito Acessível Pedras Sabidas".
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Banco onde os visitantes podem ouvir o áudio sobre Mendeleev e escultura de tubos e projeções, homenageando os elementos químicos da tabela periódica.
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Expositor Pedras Sabidas com cinco amostras, pronto para ser utilizado. No televisor aparece a mensagem: "Pegue uma amostra".
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Um grupo de escolares interagem com as atrações do MM Gerdau, em especial com o Chão de Estrelas.
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Pessoas conversando e interagindo em um evento no salão social do MM Gerdau.
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The Interactive Interface Accessible Circuit has been awarded by the Ibermuseums Program. 


The Wise Stones Circuit is the result of an international research agreement involving the Federal University of Minas Gerais – UFMG (LavMUSEU Virtual Laboratory), the Mines and Metal Museum (MM Gerdau) and the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB – Portugal), in an effort to carry out the IT (Information Technology) Project for High-Complexity Museums. While still in the prototype stage, it had also the participation of professors from the Aveiro University (Portugal). The Interactive Interface Accessible Circuit originated from that research work, having received, in 2016, an award from the Ibermuseums Program.

logo da UFMG
logo IPB - Instituto Politécnico de Bragança
logo da Universidade de Aveiro
Logo Ibermuseus

About the Circuit


This initial stage allows the museum to identify pieces in its collection that can be used in accessible exhibits, as well as to test resources and assistive technologies that can be useful in the improvement of the communication with its various visitors.


With the knowledge previously obtained from visitors’ evaluations, this stage has the purpose of producing pilot resources for experiments and prospection, in order to properly construct definitive solutions for the exhibits.


Consolidation of an accessible circuit, integrated to the museum’s permanent exhibit, considering the tests performed with the interactive displays during the prototype and pilot stages, as well as post-use evaluations and results obtained from temporary activities.

Institutions involved
Team professionals
Project years


MM Gerdau – Mines and Metal Museum

This project ended in 2020. Therefore, for up-to-date information about MM Gerdau, visit the museum’s website: mmgerdau.org.br

Praça da Liberdade, nº 680, Prédio Rosa, Belo Horizonte/MG, Brazil, 30140-010

+55 (31) 3516-7200

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